Demand an end to child poverty
"Sometimes my Mum only eats toast, for every meal. Sometimes she doesn't eat anything at all so that there is enough for our tea."
Throughout Scotland today, our teams see first-hand the devastating impact of welfare reform and benefit sanctions. This is completely at odds with Scotland's national wealth. It is also at odds with a culture rooted in community and standing up for what is right. It is wrong that families are making desperate choices and children are being deprived of their most basic fundamental needs.
"When I lost my job I never imagined it would come to this – a damp, cramped two-bed flat. Me and my partner sleep on the floor. After bills we've just £18.40 left for the week to feed us and the kids. We can't heat anything up – can't afford the electricity."
Already 260,000 children live in poverty in Scotland – that's 1 in 4 of our children. Being a parent can be exhausting at the best of times; add poverty and even the most devoted parents will struggle to do their best for their children.
Support us today in our aim of eradicating child poverty. And in return, we will do all we can to alleviate children's suffering by supporting families to escape from lives blighted by poverty.