Primary Growth and Development
Helping children to feel safe and connected to adults they trust.
How we help children to deal with bad and scary experiences.
Giving children the skills to be able to cope in the wider world.
Knowing you are there when I’m feeling strong emotions protects my brain and helps me feel safe. When you talk to me about my feelings, it helps me manage my own feelings and think about how I behave.
Whenever I start a relationship with new people, my brain changes. When these relationships are respectful and loving they build powerful connections in my brain.
By encouraging me to be curious about the world, you help me learn as much as I can. I also need lots of opportunities to express my thoughts and feelings through talking, writing or drawing.
If you tell me jokes, read stories, sing songs and play word games that makes communicating even more interesting and fun.
I need you to give me lots of chances to try new things, but I know I can always have some help if I need it. If I feel unsure or unhappy, I need to know I can go to an adult who will help me.
I need the adults in my life to tell me when I have done things well. If I don’t get it right, it’s not helpful to make me feel ashamed.
I am also developing friendships and trying out the boundaries of those relationships.
Now I am at school I am learning a lot more about the world.
I listen when adults are talking –- in person or, say, on the news – but I can easily misunderstand what certain words mean and this can confuse or frighten me, particularly when I am just overhearing things.
I need you to explain to me when I get things mixed up and to help me make sense of what is going on in my community and the wider world.
Helping children to feel safe and connected to adults they trust.
How we help children to deal with bad and scary experiences.
Giving children the skills to be able to cope in the wider world.